My research primarily focuses on environmental and energy economics, with secondary interest in innovation economics and industrial organization. I am particularly interested in energy transitions and negative emission towards a Net Zero economy.


Feng, S. and I. Lazkano. 2022. “Innovation Trends in Electricity Storage: What Drives Global Innovation?Energy Policy, Vol. 167, 113084.

Feng, S. “Do Market-based Environmental Policies Encourage Innovation in Energy Storage?” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (2024).

Working Papers and Work in Progress

"Energy Storage Subsidies and Directed Technical Change,” with Itziar Lazkano, under review at Energy Policy.

"Does the Shale Gas Revolution Hinder Clean Energy Innovation?" with Itziar Lazkano and Ekin Ayasli, under review at Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy.

"Greenhouse Gas Removal Policy Taxonomy," with Johanna Arlinghaus, Joseph Stemmler, Sam Fankhauser and Steve Smith.

"Did the EV adoption policy in China drive innovation in Energy Storage Technologies?" with Yi Han, Itziar Lazkano and Marlo Magno Vasquez Gozalez.

"Innovation of Geological Carbon Removal along the Value Chain."


CO2RE and GGR-D Submission for "Integration Greenhouse Gas Removals in the UK Emissions Trading Scheme," co-led with Joseph Stemmler.

Conference Presentations

The 8th Canadian PhD and Early Career Workshop in Environmental and Resource Economics, Ottawa, Canada

Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative 2021 Virtual Workshop

The 26th EAERE Annual Conference Berlin 2021

The 27th Ulvon Conference 2021

EAERE Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics 2021, Graz, Austria

2021 Berkeley/Sloan Summer School in Environmental and Energy Economics

The 38th Annual USAEE/IAEE North American Virtual Conference

Peer Review

European Journal of Political Economy